Wisconsin Campus
279 South Cove Road, Hudson, WI 54016
Our Story
Wildlife abounds in the restored prairie and wooded bluffs on our 300-acre Wisconsin Nature Preserve. Situated on the St. Croix River bluffs south of Hudson, Wisconsin is a broad prairie and a wooded hillside, an old farmstead and an oak savanna, linked together by winding trails, which are loved by all who walk them. Carpenter St. Croix Valley Nature Center’s WI Campus is home to the brand new Al & Laurie Hein Visitor Center. There is no entrance fee to ensure people of all economic backgrounds can connect to nature.
We have worked to acquire land in Wisconsin in partnership with area residents, expanding on an initial 98-acre donation by Laurie Hein in the 1980s. It is protected and managed for native species. On our Wisconsin property, many threatened animals, insects, and plants rely on the protected land for survival: the Henslow’s sparrow, a bird species that has drastically declined, still nests among the grass; Kittentails flowers, designated rare or threatened in each of the few states where it grows, blooms each June; Big bluestem grass waves above your head as you walk the trails in late summer.
An important facet of this center is continuing to protect and preserve the land, ensure its long-term accessibility, and promote healthy habitat and the unique landscape of prairie and forest, which made up a mosaic in this part of Wisconsin before European settlement. With property on both the Minnesota and Wisconsin sides of the scenic St. Croix River, we can preserve wildlife habitats while providing educational experiences for community families.
Come Visit Us – 279 South Cove Road, Hudson, WI 54016
The Wisconsin Campus is located convenient to Hudson, River Falls, and the surrounding area, and it’s a short distance from I-94, making for easy access coming from the Twin Cities and areas east of Hudson.
The Al & Laurie Hein Visitor Center and parking lot are open from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. daily
Prairie trail loop, prairie parking lot, and 300 East Cove trail system are open from sunrise to sunset daily.
For additional information, please call 651-437-4359
Construction Photo Gallery 2021-2022