Jr. High – High School Group

Programs Available

Some of our programs can only be offered during certain times of the year. Please look closely at the program you wish to schedule and that it is available during the season of your visit. In some cases programs can be modified. For more information please email Program Director Sarah Germscheid at Sarah@CarpenterNatureCenter.org

Request a Program

Reservations for each season will be taken after the following dates:

School Year – May 1

Summer – January 1

  • Adaptations: (Fall, Winter, Spring) Through hands-on activities students learn about animal adaptations for survival.
  • Birds and Banding: (Fall, Spring) This two-part program includes a bird hike with binoculars and field guides as well as an introduction to the scientific process and study of bird banding.
  • Ecosystems: (Fall, Winter, Spring) Investigate ecosystems through population sampling, food web simulation, and a game on limiting factors. Different ecosystems are visited by different groups and are compared during the conclusion.
  • Geology: (Fall, Winter, Spring) Observe examples of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Participate in a “timeline of the earth” and a “rock investigation.”
  • Invertebrates: (Fall, Winter, Spring) Learn about animal classification by catching arthropods, annelids, and mollusks.
  • Maple Syruping: (March only) Help CNC make maple syrup by identifying, tapping, and collecting sap from a maple tree. Observe the boiling process and taste pure maple syrup. Dress to get muddy. Key concepts include Tree Anatomy & Physiology, Seasonal Changes, Tree Identification, Plant Uses, and Native American Culture.
  • Plants and People: (Fall) Explore human/plant interaction by visiting the restored prairie, and apple orchard, and seeing plant products. Key concepts include Human Impact, Cultural Uses, Biodiversity, Aesthetic Value, and Habitats.

  • Renewable Energy: (Fall, Winter, Spring) Students conduct experiments to discover alternate forms of energy within renewable resources.
  • Snowshoeing: (Winter- Greater than 6 inches of snow) After a snowshoe demonstration, strap on a pair and go for a guided hike looking for winter ecology. Students must wear boots. CNC cannot provide snowshoes for students under 10 years of age.  If snow conditions are not adequate, your group may choose to reschedule, choose a new topic, or choose a guided ecology hike on foot. Key concepts include Winter Ecology, Adaptations, Seasonal Changes, Recreation, and Native American Culture.
  • Water Erosion: (Fall, Spring) Discover what erosion is, what causes it, and ways to prevent it through hands-on experimentation and games. Key concepts include Erosion, Resource Management, Landscape Formation, and Experimentation.
  • Water Quality: (Fall, Spring) Monitor water quality in CNC’s wetland or the St. Croix River by conducting abiotic and biotic tests. Compare results to determine the overall conclusion. Wear shoes that can get wet. Key concepts include Biodiversity, Experimentation, Indicator Species, and Water Quality Monitoring.
  • Weather: (Fall, Spring) Use meteorology equipment to analyze current weather conditions and make a forecast. Look at phenology and discuss seasonal changes. Key concepts include Weather, Meteorology, Phenology, and Predictions/ Forecasting.
  • Wilderness Survival: (Fall, *Winter, Spring) Discuss human survival needs and work in small teams to cooperate, make a signal, make a fire, and construct a shelter. Key concepts include Human Survival Needs, *Hypothermia, *Frostbite, Teamwork, and Positive Attitude.

$5.00 per child/ $50.00 program minimum

Teachers and adult chaperones are FREE

Group Size: Programs work best with a 65 child per program maximum or less. We recommend, although not required, a student-to-adult ratio of 15:1. During the program, our team may ask group leaders to divide their students into smaller groups for a better field experience. You can call before your program if you would like to know how many field groups will be needed.

  • Teachers, inform parents/chaperones to lead by example by limiting conversations amongst other adults during the program. This is a distraction to the naturalist and the students.
  • If you have any differently-abled students, please let your booking contact know so we can ensure the best learning experience possible for all students.

Scheduling Dates: Reservations for each season will be taken after the following dates:

School Year – May 1

Summer – January 1

Contact: For more information, and to book a program, please call Program Director Sarah Germscheid.

Phone: 651-437-4359 ext. 103

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