Adult Community Groups

Programs Available

Carpenter Nature Center offers programs for groups of adults who share a common interest. These programs are perfect for a cycling club, garden club, church group, birding club or senior centers.

Request a Program

Reservations for each season will be taken after the following dates:

School Year – May 1

Summer – January 1

Birds and Banding– Watch as CNC’s bird banders catch songbirds, put a band with an identification number on the legs, and release the birds back into the wild. Binoculars and field guides will be available for a guided bird-watching hike.

Exploring the Backcountry- Explore the less traveled parts of the Nature Center on snowshoes (conditions permitting) with a naturalist as your guide.

Harvest Time– Enjoy the beautiful fall colors of the St. Croix River Valley with a guided hike. Watch a demonstration of an old fashioned apple press and taste the fresh cider. Purchase apples as an option too.

Into the Prairie– A hike of CNC’s restored prairie will focus on identification and unique characteristics of prairie flowers and grasses as well as cultural and natural history of the prairie landscape.

Nature Hike– Enjoy the beauty of the season with a nature hike. Topics will vary with the season and will focus on an aspect of interest to the group.

$5.00 per adult*/ 60 adult max

$50.00 program minimum

*See note below for Harvest Time program fees

Group Size: Group sizes should be at least 10 participants. Please call to discuss options for larger groups than 65.

Contact: For more information, and to book a program, please call Program Director Sarah Germscheid.
Phone: 651-437-4359 ext. 103

Helpful Tips

*Harvest Time Program Fees

$7.00 per participant (includes two apples)

$8.00 per participant (includes two apples and one pumpkin)