Ways to Give to the Wisconsin Expansion Project
Give By Mail
Print and mail a completed WI Project Donation Form with your gift to:
Carpenter Nature Center
12805 St. Croix Trail South
Hastings, MN 55033
Give Online
Click here to give via our online donation form
We gratefully accept donations made through GiveMN and PayPal.
Give by Phone
To donate over the phone, get more information, or to arrange giving using one of the below methods, please contact Jennifer at (651)-437-4359.
Other Ways to Give
Donor Advised Funds
Donor Advised Funds
If you have a Donor Advised Fund established with an organization such as the St. Croix Valley Foundation, you may have the option to channel donations to Carpenter Nature Center. Contact the administrative organization associated with your Donor Advised Fund to learn more.
Matching Gift Programs
Matching Gift Programs
In order to encourage philanthropic giving by their employees and retirees, many corporations offer to match gifts made to charitable organization. Contact your employers to see if your gift to the Grow. Share. Preserve. campaign can be matched.
Retirement IRA Giving
Retirement IRA Giving
The IRA Charitable Rollover allows individuals age 70.5 or older to transfer up to $100,000 per year directly from their IRA accounts to qualified charities without incurring federal income tax on the withdrawal. The direct transfer to charity also satisfies your required minimum distribution. Please consult your financial advisor to find out how this would work for you.
NOT YET REACHED 70.5 YEARS OF AGE?—No problem. You can structure your annual gifts to be distributed in small amounts initially and schedule the bulk of your gift for when you reach the qualifying age.
Stock Contributions
Stock Contributions
Appreciated stocks make an excellent gift to the Grow. Share. Preserve. campaign and may offer you substantial tax advantages. Contribute securities that have increased in value and avoid capital gains tax that is incurred when you sell appreciated assets. You’ll also get a charitable tax deduction for the full market value of the assets, regardless of what you paid for them.
ATTENTION ANDERSEN RETIREES—Due to a special partnership with the St. Croix Valley Foundation, we are able to accept donations of appreciated Andersen stock, which is normally non-transferable.
Workplace Giving Programs
Workplace Giving Programs
Many corporations partner with organizations like the United Way to offer their employees the option to make donations through planned payroll deductions. If your workplace offers such a giving program, you may have the option to channel your funds to the Grow. Share. Preserve. campaign. Contact your employer for more information.
Other Types of Gifts
Other Types of Gifts
Carpenter Nature Center, in partnership with the St. Croix Valley Foundation, can help you arrange to donate in other ways such as bonds, treasury notes, mutual funds, property, and planned giving.
For more information, and to arrange giving using one of the above methods, please contact CNC at 651-437-4359.
A gift to the Carpenter Nature Center Expansion Project is an opportunity to help shape the future of environmental education in the St. Croix Valley. This program provides donors the opportunity to sponsor a designated facility, or space, associated with the Expansion Project. In most cases, gifts may be made over a three-year period. Typically the sponsorship of physical assets will be recognized with the installation of a plaque. Other forms of recognition, based on the gift amount, may be offered to donors. Gifts may also be named in honor of a family member or friend.
Habitat Areas & Trails
South Prairie $250,000
Goldenrod Trail $50,000
Little Bluestem Trail $50,000
Dedicated Trees $2,000 each
Outdoor Gathering Places
Rear Terrace $150,000
Front Courtyard $100,000
Picnic Grove $TBD
Trail Benches $2,500 each
Exhibits & Amenities
History & Geology Pod $50,000
Conifer Forest & Riparian Habitat Pod $50,000
Oak Savanna & Prairie Habitat Pod $50,000
Bird Tracking Map $50,000
All-terrain Wheelchair $TBD
Accessible Paved Trail $TBD
Donor Recognition
All gifts made at the $5,000 level and above, whether they be sponsorship of a physical asset or donations to the general project fund, will be recognized on a permanent display in the new Visitor Center building. Donors can choose to be recognized by name and/or have their gift designated as being in honor of a family member or friend. Carpenter Nature Center will also respect a donor’s desire to remain anonymous if they wish.
Donor Recognition
All gifts made at the $5,000 level and above, whether they be sponsorship of a physical asset or donations to the general project fund, will be recognized on a permanent display in the new Visitor Center building. Donors can choose to be recognized by name and/or have their gift designated as being in honor of a family member or friend. Carpenter Nature Center will also respect a donor’s desire to remain anonymous if they wish.