Location: Al & Laurie Hein Visitor Center | Carpenter Nature Center Wisconsin Campus | 279 South Cove Road, Hudson, WI
Join spider expert, Larry Weber on July 26th at 7pm at Carpenter Nature Center’s Wisconsin Campus to participate in a field-based experience to learn to observe and identify not only spiders, but also their distinctive webs. Larry Weber is a well-known naturalist, teacher, spider expert and author from Duluth, Minnesota. Participants will get to know common species in the area, learn about basic spider biology and study web structure. An in-class lesson will be followed by a Web Walk with Larry to learn to see spiders and their beautiful webs outside. This event is done in part with our Bioblitz hosted on July 21-22. All ages welcome.
Free program, donations appreciated.
Reservations required. Call 651-437-4359 to register.