Presented by Tiffany Kersten, 2021 Big Year record holder and professional bird guide.
Tiffany Kersten didn’t set out to do a Big Year, but after a series of unanticipated and serendipitous events, she suddenly found herself amidst one. As a sexual assault survivor, she spent 2021 traveling to all corners of the Lower 48 States, tallying birds and gifting personal safety alarms to women she met along the way. Her goal was to see 700 species, and to raise awareness of women’s safety in the outdoors. She ended up surpassing her goal and setting a new record, of 726 species. In her presentation, Tiffany will lead us through the fear, empowerment, struggles, and healing that all played vital roles in the personal growth she experienced on this wild adventure.
Program Fee: This program is FREE, thanks to sponsorship from the Saint Paul Audubon Society and Wild River Audubon Society. However, SPACE IS LIMITED AND PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
Registration: Click here to Register Online.